Vasby Mose and Sengeloese Mose

Copyright Jan Fischer Rasmussen
Copyright Jan Fischer Rasmussen

Bioblitz event in Vasby bog

On Saturday the 11th of June 2022 and until the next morning, we conducted a bioblitz event in Vasby bog, where a number of different nature experts examined the bog. Several of the owners of the bog plots took the opportunity to come by and hear about the exciting finds. The event has been carried out as part of compleding our EU RigKilde LIFE project, which ends at the end of 2022. Many species were found that we have not known about. Among other things, 4 new species of dragonflies were found. Stor Kærguldsmed (Leucorrhinia pectoralis) in particular was a hit, and is one of the species that we in Denmark must do something special to secure the habitats for.

The results from the nature survey can be seen on the website Everything that was found during the 24 hours of the event will be entered here. We already had a good knowledge of plants and amphibians, so therefore there has been a special focus on beetles, and other insects, fungi, mosses and more. The results of the bioblitz event can be found at this

A report has also been prepared where you can read about the results from the bioblitz study in Vasby Mose. Here you can see the report.
